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1 The Arithmetic of Braids
Combing Braids
Exercises - The Arithmetic of Braids
2 The Arithmetic of Permutations (and Commutators) Exercises - The Arithmetic of Permutations
3 Powers, Exponents, and their Dependencies Exercises - Powers, Exponents, and their Dependencies
4 Roots - A Story of Two Notations Exercises - Roots - A Story of Two Notations
5 The Triangle of Power and Logarithms Exercises - The Triangle of Power and Logarithms
Exercises - Review Set A
6 Functions and Mapping Diagrams/Transformation Figures Exercises - Functions
7 Alternate Bases and Polynomials Exercises - Alternate Bases and Polynomials
8 The Binomial Theorem
Factoring and Eisenstein's Criterion
Exercises - Factoring, the Binomial Theorem, and Eisenstein's Criterion
9 Developing an Algorithm to Divide Polynomials
The Remainder, Factor, and Rational Roots Theorems
Exercises - Developing an Algorithm to Divide Polynomials
10 Clocks, Groups, and Commutative Rings Exercises - Clocks, Groups, and Commutative Rings
11 The Field of Rational Expressions Exercises - The Field of Rational Expressions
12 Extending Fields and Related Root Tricks Exercises - Extending Fields and Related Root Tricks
13 Roots of Polynomials, the Zero-Product Property, and Sign Analysis Exercises - Roots of Polynomials, the Zero-Product Property, and Sign Analysis
Exercises - Review Set B
14 Graphs of Simple Functions, their Inverses, and Compositions Exercises - Graphs of Simple Functions, their Inverses, and Compositions
15 The Socks and Shoes Principle Exercises - The Socks and Shoes Principle
Exercises - Graphing With Transformations
16 Equivalent Equations Exercises - Equivalent Equations
Exercises - Solving Equations (Mixed Review)
17 Piecewise-Defined Functions
Relations and Lambert's W Function
Linear Functions & Mobius Transformations
Exercises - Piecewise-Defined Functions
Exercises - Relations and Lambert's W Function
Exercises - Linear Functions & Mobius Transformations
18 Quadratic Equations, Po-Shen Loh's Method, Depressed Terms, and Viete's Formulas Exercises - Quadratic Equations, Po-Shen Loh's Method, Depressed Terms, and Viete's Formulas
Exercises - Solving Equations (Mixed Review 2)
19 Another Extended Field: The Complex Numbers Exercises - Another Extended Field: The Complex Numbers
20 Measuring Angles of Rotation in a Dimensionless Way
Complex Numbers Birth the Trigonometric Functions!
Trigonometric Identities & More Complex Connections
Graphing Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses
Exercises - Measuring Angles of Rotation
Exercises - Evaluating Trigonometric Functions
Exercises - Trigonometric Identities
Exercises - Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Exercises - Graphing Trigonometric Functions
Exercises - Solving Trigonometric Equations
Exercises - Review of Trigonometry
21 Solving the General Cubic Equation
How Imaginary Numbers were Invented (Source: Veritasium)
22 Solving the General Quartic Equation
23 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
24 The "Natural" Base and Hyperbolic Trigonometry
25 Abel's Impossibility Theorem